Free Coupon Offers at

Free Coupon Offers

Carnival Source is happy to offer a 5% discount to all customers!  This coupon takes 5% off your product total of $25 or moreThe coupon code is: Save5-(Click the link to apply the coupon. Savings shown on cart page and checkout page)

We can also offer 10% off on orders with a subtotal of $60 or more. Use coupon code Save10 - (Click the link to apply the coupon. Savings shown on cart page and checkout page)

Lastly, after you place an order with us, we will email you a request to review the products you received. We offer more coupons for customers that take the time to provide a review of their products and/or our website.

Please note, only one coupon code can be used per order. Offers cannot be combined.

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