Ordering with a Purchase Order

Ordering with a Purchase Order

We accept purchase orders from established companies, schools and other organizations on a case by case basis. Here are the steps to order from us using a purchase order:

  1. Place your order online at our website by adding your items to the cart and completing the checkout process. This is important so that you know the total amount due (products, shipping, and taxes if applicable) for your order and corresponding purchase order paperwork that you will be sending us.

  2. After you place your order online at our website, then send us your approved purchase order by email (support@carnivalsource.com), which is preferred, or fax (951-445-4363) so that we can review it. Make sure the order total shown on your purchase order matches the order total on your website order. Also make sure that you enter our company name in your system as Online Party Sales, which is our official business name. Do not enter us in your system as "Carnival Source" because this will cause your purchase order to be rejected since we would not be able to accept your eventual payment made out to that name. Your payment will be made out to "Online Party Sales" - our official business name.

  3. Your order will be on hold until we receive the purchase order from you, review it and approve it on our end. Once we approve your purchase order paperwork that you send us, we will then process and ship the order. If we do not approve your purchase order or have questions about it, we will contact you. For approved purchase orders, we will send you an invoice for the payment that's due. The invoice will be sent after the order ships and will be due in 30 days from receipt of the invoice.

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